Automated Egg Packaging System

Automated Egg Packaging System

Factory System project for the PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing Core Training.

Hosted at the University of South Carolina, Summer 2018.

System Overview:
Egg Feeder aligns transports eggs to a known position.
Conveyor aligns empty egg carton to a known position.
Conveyor triggers egg feeder that it is ready to receive an egg.
The Egg Feeder sends a trigger to the Dobot robotic arm to start pick and place routine for six eggs.
Dobot sends a trigger to the Egg Feeder that it finished packing six eggs.
The Egg Feeder sends a trigger to the conveyor to load the carton onto an Automated Guided Vehicle. (The conveyor also passively closes the lid)
Once loaded, the Automated Guided Vehicle travels to the Palletizer.
The Palletizer picks up the egg carton and places it on the ground for shipping.
The Automated Guided Vehicle returns to the conveyor to be loaded with another egg carton.

VEX Cortex EDR [3x – Egg Feeder, Conveyor, and Automated Guided Vehicle]
Dobot Robotic Arm with pneumatic end-effector
Intelitek ER-4U robotic arm
Automated Egg Packaging System

Automated Egg Packaging System


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