IoT in Packet Tracer 7 – Use Blockly to program IoT devices Part 1

IoT in Packet Tracer 7 – Use Blockly to program IoT devices Part 1 – In this project, you write a small program to take input from a motion sensor and turn on a light and a coffeemaker. The lab simulates programming a single board computer like a Raspberry Pi to solve an IoT project. The programming is done with Blockly visual programming inside of Packet Tracer.

I gave this demonstration to a room full of Cisco Academy instructors at the recent 2017 NW Cisco Academy Conference at Bellevue College in Bellevue, WA.
IoT in Packet Tracer 7 – Use Blockly to program IoT devices Part 1

IoT in Packet Tracer 7 – Use Blockly to program IoT devices Part 1


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