HC SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Pin Explanation Working Principle Arduino 8051 Interfacing

HC SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Pin Explanation Working Principle Arduino 8051 Interfacing

This video shows the explanation of the “HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor”, Its working principle, Explanation of Pin Configuration and its interfacing with Microcontroller 8051 and Arduino UNO. The HC-SR04 measures object distance using ultrasonic ranging. It offers incredible range accuracy and stable readings in a simple to-use bundle. It’s working is not influenced by daylight or dark material like sharp range discoverers are (delicate materials like fabric can be hard to distinguish).
The fundamental basic principle of operation is beneath, use IO port TRIG to trigger running. It needs 10 us abnormal state signal in any event module will send eight 40kHz square wave automatically and will test if there is any signal returned. In the event that there is signal returned, yield will be abnormal state signal through IO port ECHO. The span of the abnormal state signal is the time from transmitter to getting with the ultrasonic. Testing separation = length of abnormal state x sound velocity(340m/s)/2 You can use the above figuring to discover the separation between the impediment and the ultrasonic module.

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HC SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Pin Explanation Working Principle Arduino 8051 Interfacing

HC SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Pin Explanation Working Principle Arduino 8051 Interfacing

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