ROS Tutorial for Beginners: Introduction to ROS (Robot Operating System)

ROS Tutorial for Beginners: Introduction to ROS (Robot Operating System)

This ROS Tutorial will give you an introduction to the ROS BASICS IN 5 DAYS course.

The ROS tutorials of this course covers following subjects:
– ROS Basic : Basic Concepts, Move a Robot with ROS, Create and Compiling a ROS package, launch file, ROS Nodes, Parameter Server, ROS Core
– ROS Topics : Publisher. Messages, Subscriber
– ROS Services : call a ROS Service, custom Service Compilation
– ROS Actions : calling an Action Server
– ROS Debugging Tools : Debugging Messages and RQT-Console, Plot topic data and RQT Plot, Node Connections and RQT graph, Record experimental data and ROSBags, Visualize Complex data and RViz
– Course Projects

[The ROS course is available here]
– ROS Basics for beginner (Python) |
– ROS Basics for beginners (C++) |

[ About the ROS BASCIS IN 5 DAYS Course ]
This course gives an introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS) including main concepts required to create and understand ROS programs.Students will learn ROS basics by programming online simulated robots.

[ Robots Used in this ROS BASICS IN 5 DAYS course ]
– BB-8
– Husky
– WAM Arm
– Parrot AR.Drone
– Sphero
– Turtlebot 2

[ Requirement ]
A laptop and internet connection. No required installation, compilation, specific computer.

[ Objetive ]
The objective of this course is to give you the basic tools and knowledge to be able to understand and create any basic ROS related project. You will be able to move robots, read their sensor data, make the robots perform intelligent tasks, see visual representations of complex data such as Point Clouds and debug errors in the programs.

// You can watch the complete ROS tutorials here:

// Robot Ignite Academy is a series of online web courses and ROS tutorials giving you the tools and knowledge to be able to understand and create any ROS based robotics development.

How it works:
* no installation and devices required
* ideal for beginner/intermediate roboticist aiming to become proficient in ROS
* integrates ROS theory and practice, learn by programming different simulated robots.
* ROS teaching material and exam provided
ROS Tutorial for Beginners: Introduction to ROS (Robot Operating System)

ROS Tutorial for Beginners: Introduction to ROS (Robot Operating System)


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