SunFounder Crawling Robot Assembly Tutorials 07 Calibration
|SunFounder Crawling Robot Assembly Tutorials 07 Calibration
This episode is about the calibration process for the SunFounder Crawling Quadruped Robot Kit for Arduino.
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SunFounder Crawling Robot Assembly Tutorials 07 Calibration
SunFounder Crawling Robot Assembly Tutorials 07 Calibration
Can I just put the same numbers as you instead?
The "Z" is the tall of the leg?
my quadruped dont turn on after I upload the board, why ):
I dont have Calibration Grid
Mi robot exceeds the calibration grid
There a problem in crawler programme in line 223 with the following comment, how can i fix it?
Arduino: 1.8.0 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Nano, ATmega328"
C:UsersDesktopCD1code3.CrawlCrawlerCrawler.ino: In function 'void loop()':
Crawler:176: error: could not convert 'radio.RF24::read(((void*)(& order)), 1u)' from 'void' to 'bool'
if (, 1))
Crawler:223: error: could not convert 'radio.RF24::read(((void*)(& order)), 1u)' from 'void' to 'bool'
while (, 1));
exit status 1
could not convert 'radio.RF24::read(((void*)(& order)), 1u)' from 'void' to 'bool'
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
Hallo Sunfounder Team,
i assembled the robot and want to calibrate it… When i turn it on before calibrate with the x-y-z axes, the Robot moves the legs in straight a direction
Hello Sunfounder, nice Video. I have a question about the calibration code. In the array:" adjust_site[3] = { 100, 80, 42 };" the 100 is the x-axis, the 80 the y-axis and the 42 the z-axis right? Where do this numbers come from? I mean how are they calculated? Another question that i have is, in the "Size of the robot" section, what stands the "z_absolute" for? Is this the offset height?
Hi, when I upload the code after the ADJUST line is un-commented, remove the USB connection, and turn on the robot before calibration, the legs all go in very random directions and one leg tries to continue to move through the robot and gets stuck, how can I fix this? Should I just measure the positions of the legs in this situation regardless of their orientation before calibration and start calibrating?
Hi, I how do I find the CD folder?