A short example with the mBlock Application of Makeblock
A short example with the mBlock Application of Makeblock
In this video, I show you the mBlock-Application of Makeblock. I create a small Scratch-Skript with mBlock to measure the distance to an object in front of an ultrasonic-sensor.
For more informations, take a look at:
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A short example with the mBlock Application of Makeblock
A short example with the mBlock Application of Makeblock
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arme el ejemplo y no funciona, ¿porque?
I tried this with two different arduino boards and two different ultrasonic sensors. Is there settings or steps you took that are not included in the video?
can you help me?! my mblock application doesen't read my robot sensors. in your video you have an makeblock category but in my computer there isn't. how can i connect the robot to the mblock application? sorry foar my english.
please how to get a block : ultrason…distance?
Thank you for this explain and nice video
great tutorial. we can make this work so long as the mBot is connected to our laptop (windows 10) through USB. is it possible to run this program after disconnecting USB, but without pure Arduino code?
allah razı olsun senden:D ulan elimde bi kitap var(bizimkiler yazmıs), bi halta yaramaz. cıldırcaktım nerdeyse
thanks for tutorial:)
Quick and simple. Thank you Sir.
When I follow these exactly, my sensor only ever reports 400.
Tolle kleine Einführung zu Scratch. Ich habe auch "Die elektronische Welt mit dem Arduino entdecken" gelesen. Super!! Schöne Grüße aus der Pfalz.
Erik, do you mind if we communicate in English? I purchased one of these kids for some students to experiment with. We are trying to use the motion sensor component which in Scratch will then generator a random number. If the number is prime, nothing happens. If the number is NOT prime, a switch will be activated to open a sprinkler valve (24v, separate power supply) and the unlucky student will get sprayed with water. I would appreciate any direction you can provide. Thank you!
it was very useful thank you i can now undarstand ardunio programme better. thank you!
"for a game"
How to make a line of programming for a character being this a ball.
When holding the left or right arrow key the character would walk in the direction and only stop when you release the button and / or reach the edge of the screen.
And when holding one of the keys and then pressing or holding the other key, stop and when you release one of the keys and, continue holding the other one that the character follows the command.
How to make this line of code?
Thank you.
jeba c