RGB Color Detection Raspberry PI
RGB Color Detection Raspberry PI
By Thomas Van Rhee & Petar Topchev
RGB Color Detection Raspberry PI
RGB Color Detection Raspberry PI
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About The Author
Bro, can you get me the code to me? Please!
Well done.. I am planning a sorting machine detecting colours. I stuck finding a solution for the sensing. What kind of sensor do you use? A camera or rgb sensor? Meaasuring frequency with the pi or cconverting f/u ?
Yea i tried it also with blob detection but the processing time takes very long. I use the ps3 cam, but it is hard to recognize the colors on a rolling band, m&m's are my samples. Is it possible to share the code? I would give it a try. In your video i see that the reading/writing is pretty fast.
can you share the source? for my refference 🙂 thanks
Hi guy, I am trying to do the same work with you,.. I have a Pi camera, Pi 2, and I don't want to use OpenCV to do it. Do you know any other method to do this?
Help me, pls….
can you please send me the code for the above