Servo Speed Control using Arduino Uno
|Servo Speed Control using Arduino Uno
This is a demonstration of how to use Arduino UNO and VarSpeedServo library to control the speed and position of DC servo motors.
The library can be downloaded from:
Servo Speed Control using Arduino Uno
Servo Speed Control using Arduino Uno
need some help on this , how can i now the pot curret is the simular to deg??
Awesome Library, helped me a lot!!!
but it Works with servos 0-180?
Does someone know how to use this library in Matlab?
Thank you for this Library btw.
excellent library thank you
great! thanks.
if I use servo 360 degrees, how the program can help me adjust the angle and speed ? i need your help !
I write same code but it shows me an error myservy.write /// no matching function write(int,int,boolean)
so can you make the servo operate at same time?
what is the 10ms delay for?
Hello I really like this video because you were able to control the speed of the servo. this is something that I am trying to do also because I am doing a research project that involves robotics.However I am having trouble because in my Arduino window it seems as though the VarSpeedServo function doesn't exist, where can I get it? I am pretty sure that I installed all of the libraries
Thanks, the video and the libary is verry good! 🙂
Hope you can help me out. I have 8 servos running with varspeedservo.h library. All servos are running as expected except for my servo on Pin 9 PWM, which moves but I can't change the speed. As for other servos, I can make speed variable. I am using an arduino mega 2560. What could be wrong?
Are you using any capacitors across your servos and what power source are you using for your Arduino? Thanks.
Hi is there a way to also control the acceleration of the motion?
How to control the speed of servo This is my "take" on the varspeedservo.h – I load all 8 pins with different values and then use the pin that suits – saves me getting the Nano re-programmed each time. I love your video- Thanks for sharing and for the link – I have passed it around my friends!!!
arduino no me reconoce la librería, que puedo hacer
si lo reconoce pero no deja compilar el código
Not working For Arduino DUE , is there a way to fix it ???
Alguien sabe como solucionar este problema?: uso slowmove para controlar la velocidad del servo pero desde su posicion actual hasta los 90º la velocidad es la normal, si por ejmplo está a 10º y quiero que vaya a 170º los 80 primeros grados va normal y los 80 restantes a la velocidad que quiero que vaya y quiero que se mueva a la misma velocidad en todo el recorrido
Good info, sub 241, thumbs up 139.
hello agu robot lab , i tried using tis library but there is some error with that . Can you help me ?