Steve Keil: A manifesto for play, for Bulgaria and beyond
|Steve Keil: A manifesto for play, for Bulgaria and beyond At TEDxBG in Sofia, Steve Keil fights the “serious meme” that has infected his home of Bulgaria — and calls for a return to play to revitalize the economy, education and society. A sparkling talk with a universal message for people everywhere who are reinventing their workplaces, schools, lives.
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Steve Keil: A manifesto for play, for Bulgaria and beyond
Steve Keil: A manifesto for play, for Bulgaria and beyond
Thats not fair! What you say here is NOT fair. Steve is talking about improvement of our life and the way we think and behave to improve the life we live. You go too far with your global statements. All he says here is true.
I read some of your comments on this video and got a better picture of what you are saying. And I understand you better than you might think as I live in a bordering country. And I still say Steve is naive. Framing is important! Bulgaria will not get better if its people work or play more but when interests shaping this world allow for it. Hopeful absence of war with increased standard of living does miracles but needs A LOT of time for things to settle. I cannot fit here all I want to say.. <3
All I can say is, anyone who says Bulgarians don't play simply hangs out with the wrong Bulgarians. Practically all my friends are BG, and they are constantly telling jokes, making ones up spontaneously, playing cards, backgammon, chess, etc. Unless they're partying with friends and colleagues in the off-hours. What do they mean Bulgarians don't play???
Do you work for a Bulgarian emplyer? Have you tried having fun at work? If you cannot see beyond direct meaning with words you will never get this.
Yes, sir, I do and have. Have you ever had an American employer in America? They weren't very playful when I last worked there.
Well you just had a bad luck in the US I guess ;). Once more…try to look beyond direct meaning of words to see this. Unreasonable and devoted patriotism wont help you here.
Your wisdom is deep, oh master!
Thats the answer worth reading, thank you
This guy just doesn't know soo many things about Bulgaria… One is for sure- there is a lot more play goin in this country than he thinks… one of the reasons is because the "bribe" system is working perfectly and u can get away with a lot of unlawful behavior…
As a video addressed to Bulgaria this is nonsense. But addressed to the world, it's a great idea worth exploring!
I fully agree. Nice to see someone else understands what I'm talking about 🙂
Bad government,lobbism,crime crime crime, crime lobbism,corrupt politicians that think only for personal benefits and their mafia friends. If the bulgarian has some fault its that the majority of people suffer the Bai Ganio syndrom (google bai ganio or bay ganyo) oh and dont forget chalga. бъркаш много брат…или просто аз не познавам такива хора.
He is not meaning play in a sense of games. He is meaning play as in when whatever activity you are in that relieves you of stress, where you lose track of time and self, and where there is no sense of a goal it is all about the means of the activity. So playing cards isn't necessarily play although it can be fun usually card games are meant for winning. Which for some people that can be play but not for everyone.
what do you think your doing joe! Im challenging authority to find more efficient methods.
-_- Your fired. steve! Whyyy!!
I can't believe so many people–adults mostly–don't know how to play. That is, being able to relax, to separate from stress, to have fun with their work. I've never been more thankful to be a gamer; I already know how to do these things 🙂
0:23 hammer and sickle!!
HHAHAH I'm Bulgarian, and this was yet funny and true =) LOL and sad because it's true!
This is very true, it is sad because it would take a very long time to change. Take Google for example, they follow the very same pattern… Play Play Play!!!! Play does NOT = lazy 😉
All of the pictures are Russian…not Bulgarian ! And yea some of the things he said are true….but not all of them !
Let's celebrate play! I'm a player.
This is so not true!! Please never talk about Bulgaria again. 🙂
soooo true
This is applicable not only to Bulgaria but to the whole world which has become alienated to its true nature.
Христос възкреси !, Во .истина възкреси ! ! И какво започна след статистиката … пак Комунизмът виновен нямало творчество ,нямало игра .. бабите ..ням'кво си а за тези повече от 25 години – само до игра ни е било.
Голямата лъжа –за дребния, пък и дори средния бизнес/производство/услуги, че били упора – най много данъци . в бюджета.
Ама кой знай пък , може би ще излезе че е прав
. Защото, компании свързани със производство, продажба и разпространение на оръжие – данъци май въобще не плащат. А по отношение на общите им разходи те са нищожни ,. Да вземем да речем за заплати ( роботизирано производството , както и на автомобилното производство ). Не включват и разходи за фундаментална и приложна разработка -обикновено с държавни субсидии ), Но каквито и да са разходите дори и ако се приспаднат подкупи и бакшиши , и да не се добавят евентуални печалби след продажбите, тяхното предприемачество не можа да допринесе за приход в бюджетите.
Пък и онези , които се заеха с решаването на енергиен проблем – онези предприемчиви , защитени от законите и „сменящите” се изпълнителни власти, които държат с ръце в джоба си слън4ево и водно енергийни средства на производство не чакаха дълго за да им се покрият „инвестиционните разходи, почакаха може би малко по дълго за възстановяване на „ бюрократичните разходи за регистриране на малките си бизнеси , и не само че неналиват в националния ни бюджет кой знай колко ами и не чакаха дълго да се уреди , ние непредприемчивите да им плащаме/
Ами банките през тези ‘преходни” без идейни години. Не една от тях с „усилията” на техните големи им акционери така и на върховната и изпълнителна власт не само избегнаха „ из-за-хранването” на бюджета, а стана така ,че останалите непредприемчивите пак се наложи чрез данъците си да подпомагат ‘предприемчивите от М и С Бизнес.
i closed my eyes and i saw zombie robots…..smh
This is a great approche, I'm going to use it! Let's make Bulgaria greater, Make it grate one more time, this time even better. It's been so long we haven't see the star on the right place!