DMX lighting controller programming part 1
|DMX lighting controller programming part 1
How to use a DMX lighting controller, part one!
DMX lighting controller programming part 1
DMX lighting controller programming part 1
DMX lighting controller programming part 1
How to use a DMX lighting controller, part one!
DMX lighting controller programming part 1
DMX lighting controller programming part 1
Hi. Cannot "Freestyler" software do as much or more (such as graphically image the stage lighting programmed, so you can see program input changes as you create them) than your controller hardware??
@1iansane Freestyler can control DMX lighting (if you have a DMX dongle) but the big difference is: with hardware there's no need for fixture files – you just plug in and it works. With software you have to 'teach' it about each light (how many channels, which colours and so on) and lots of people find that difficult or inconvenient.
I just purchased one of these off eebay for $91, but its built really poorly 🙁 the buttons are loose and the faders are all on different angles… Did i get ripped off and how much did you pay, if you dont mind me asking?
Is it the exact same one? Mine was purchased new, and is pretty solid.
The average user buying one of these is not going to have enough lights to require 512 channels!
You got it – just chain them together. If you want to access (control) each light separately you'll have to give each light a different start address, so in your case 8 addresses. If you want some to do identical shows (your 4 scanners perhaps) then you can put those all on the same channel.
In theory no they're not the same, but in practice they're close enough unless you're wiring up pro level shows. With short lengths and a few lights it won't matter.
I have 2 of the Chauvet Swarm 4, 1 Chauvet Hemisphere 5, 1 American DJ Jellyfish light, and 1 small 400 watt fog machine. Right now i have an Obey 40 DMX controller. Everything but the fog machine is set up for DMX but there is a spot for it on this controller. I just want to be able to turn each individual light on or off from this controller and have each one run by sound activation. I don't evenn know where to start.
If anyone could offer any kind of help, i would really appreciate it.
yeah…i did the same….the dmx address line is just a signal line sending signals to each address of the equipment that you are using…ive tried 6 dimmer packs for parcans(6ch each), 16 moving heads, smoke machines just by using a single dmx line…i programmed it using Phillips' Strand Lighting
Dude you talk like Steven Wilson
Lots of people from the south of the UK (surrounding London) sound like that!
this is wrong, channel 1 would be red, as led pars are RGBMS (red, green blue macro strobe) and you could put 2 or 3 leds on each button…. i think you should learn the desk yourself before posting a tutorial…..
No it's not wrong. LED PARs are NOT always 123=RGB. Check your facts before throwing accusations.
led pars are ALWAYS RGB, leds (not pars) are drgbms. im the lighting designer for isle of wight, glastonbury and download, im alsoo the inhouse designer for the 02. i know my stuff
Looks like you need to relearn whatever garbage someone's taught you then! If you claim to have had over 6 years in the industry, you ought to know better. I've been working with sound and light for more than 30 years.
If u record scenes and you turn the controller off will the scene you previously did be saved on there or do u have to start again.?
i need some help connecting american dj microwash to a dmx controller, i can connect lights with dip switches however the digital lights seem to be giving me a hard time
Most if you save the setting what ever you do it should save. How ever if it's not saved start again.
Can be both i have different sets of Par RGB & RGBW LED's some of them on channel 1 fader is the open close i.e on or off. & some LED's channel 1 gives you Red. The way i got them all to work together was to change the LED's in there Menu settings. a lot of head scratching & reading the manual & internet.
i have put all differntnt pars on display i want them tto use the dmx board to auto play one by one them selves how do i d o it also do u have any video for pilot 2000
If I were to get this led light set:Chauvet 6SPOT, can you please tell me what kind of dmx controller I could use to control all of the lights features. I have seen several controllers, but I am not sure what I am looking for
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Hi,do you know if it's possible to do a master reset on the desk,I have a problem where the faders have shifted one position sideways so number 1 does nothing and operates normally from number 2 fader,have you heard of this? Many thanks
Very helpful, thanks
I am trying to control a Accu UFO Pro can the sliders be programmed differently perhaps left slider which is channel 11 be made to adjust the green flash speed.